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Loser alert! Small cocks get teased here!
It was around 1 am last night when I got a call from one of my regs, “D”, just begging me to shame him about his small cock. Well, it didn’t take me any time to tell him that his cock cant event satisfy a virgin let alone someone who has had had plenty of satisfying sex. He kept asking for more and kept telling me that he has his small cock out so I told him to hold his micro penis with his fingers and start stroking it. He started moaning and kept saying more! more!. I told him to measure his penis with his thumb to see which one’s larger and without him answering I asked him how big his thumb was as compared to his dick. He kept moaning so my next comment to him was “hey little guy , if I was there you’d have your cock locked in chastity.” I told him his dick is so small it should be called a man clit and should be put up for exhibition for the world to see. I could hear him stroke his little dick with a lot of enthusiasm. He was moaning and stroking at the same time. I told him that his dick was so small that the only way he was going to get any action is through his hands as no female would ever be satisfied with such a small thing. Then the stupid looser came, and well…until next time D…
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